Well Come !

We all learn from each other and learning leads to knowledge and wisdom.

Saturday 30 April 2011

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

You learn in a number of ways from different sources like teachers, friends,enemies,books, mistakes,life etc. Learning is an ongoing process. We all learn something from some source. When i was in metric (2005) i came
across a book named "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" by Dr.Stephen Covey. This happened to be such a good book that I loved it. Covey has written a book worth reading based on his sound observations and experiences. The Seven Habits he has put forth as Habits of Effective People are as follows:

1-Be Proactive
2-Begin with the end in mind
3-Put first things first
4-Think win-win
5-Seek first to understand than to be understood
7-Sharpen the saw

These habits will change your life if you stick to them with dedication.I have also tried my best to practice them and make them habit but sometimes due to laziness, procrastination and lack of commitment I have not been able to exploit them fully. However I believe in them and they have been a food for thought when ever a tough time has shown up.
As Aristotle said; "We are what we repeatedly do.Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit."